Team Boldly Know

Originally published at: Team Boldly Know -

Author: Ariel Landrum

On a delightful Sunday evening, March 20, 2022, the vibrant streets of Burbank echoed with the buzz of trivia enthusiasts. At the heart of this excitement was Brews Brothers Brewpub, the weekly host of the renowned Geeks Who Drink trivia event. For those not in the know, Geeks Who Drink brings the authentic essence of pub quizzes from Ireland and the U.K. right to our doorstep. It’s where you toast to every correct answer and chuckle at the wrong ones, all while basking in the glow of camaraderie.

Our team, “Team Boldly Know,” was a melting pot of knowledge and enthusiasm. Comprising Ariel Landrum (hey, that’s me penning down this tale!), JW Arrington, Joe Di Gaetano, Travis Hayward, and Drew Siragusa, we were ready to take on the challenge. The evening was extra special because my brother was with us, making it a perfect blend of family, friends, and fun facts.

As the questions unraveled, our spirits soared. From Hungary to The Hunger Games, from the Billboard Hot 100 to brainteasers, we navigated through a maze of questions, each one challenging our minds and tickling our gray cells. And guess what? Our collective brainpower led us to clinch the first place! 🏆

But beyond the accolades and applause, the evening was a gentle reminder of the importance of mental wellness. Trivia, in its essence, is a celebration of knowledge, a test for the mind, and a balm for the soul. It’s about challenging oneself, learning new things, and most importantly, cherishing moments with loved ones. With my brother by my side, it was a poignant reminder of the simple joys of life.

For those curious about how we fared against other teams, check out the scorecard here.

So, here’s to trivia nights, to the joy of learning, and to the memories we create along the way. Cheers! 🍻🥇