#153: Sometimes a big win for diversity turns into an excuse that leads to less diversity in media. We look at examples of this, inspired by Crazy Rich Asians, the first big-budget American Hollywood film with a mostly Asian cast in 25 years.
Even so, I was still happy to see Nexomania happen at all and I hope that more companies and games continue to celebrate other cultures as well in their own events much like many do for Chinese New Years.
A couple hours after we recorded I was reading Ms. Marvel and realized that there’s more disabled representation than we thought. Still not enough, but some. Bruno has a cool exoskeleton to help him walk around. He’s a pretty consistent character in the book, too.
I really liked that limited run of The Ray! Asian adoptees is a very specific group of people! I can’t think of anymore Asian adoptees but since then, in DC Comics there has been a Chinese Super-Man and an entire Justice League of China! Marvel has prominently featured Amadeus Cho. Superman is the classic adoptee and in a way so are Batman and Spider-Man, although they are basically raised by family. In a way, some of the younger X-Men are raised at the Xavier School.
@LeiBenoit you’ve given me a lot to think about!