Big Changes Coming This Way!

Originally published at:

Change is comin’! I’m excited. You should be excited. Everyone should be excited.

(Image via Sodahead)

I just wanted to bring you all a quick update of things that are in the works for Therapeutic Code.

First off, I’ve added an About and Contact page. Now you can find out everything you could ever want to know about me (that I’ve offered up)! Also, feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions, I love talking about geekiness and therapy. The pages are basic…but they’ll do for now.

That brings me to the next big announcement. Sometime around the end of the year, I’m expecting Therapeutic Code to have a brand new look. I’m looking into new designs and trying to figure out how to tweak the ones I like to make them work for my purposes. I’m getting close…but not quite there yet.

My last major announcement is probably my favorite.

Josué Cardona of the Geek Therapy Podcast and Blog has asked me to come on board as a contributing editor!

I’ll still be writing here, so Therapeutic Code will be going strong. I just wanted you all to know that you should check me out over there as well. I’m looking forward to working with Josué and helping to expand Geek Therapy. It’s so much easier to write sometimes when you have colleagues to collaborate with and bounce ideas off of.

Maybe you’ll even catch me on the podcast.

To wrap it up…Therapeutic Code is awesome and will be looking more awesome soon. You can find out about me and contact me with questions. And you can also check out my work at soon!

Thank you all for sticking with me, it’s great to watch this site (and the page views) grow.

….And I completely forgot! I just turned in my press application for San Diego Comic Con. Things just got real. Here’s hoping they accept my application!