Just One More Episode…

Originally published at: https://www.psychtechpodcast.com/just-one-more-episode/

#59: Why do we binge watch? Kelli says that we just love a good story but Josué insists that there is a lot more going on that makes us want to watch another episode. And then another. This week we discuss the different reasons why people consume content the way they do and why our habits have changed over the years.


Let us know what you think on Anchor: https://anchor.fm/w/9F0746

Reminder! Josué and Kelli will both be at PAX East in Boston on Friday, April 22 at 2pm in the Arachnid Theatre and Kelli is doing a solo presentation at 11am same day/room. Details on our joint panel here: http://east.paxsite.com/schedule/panel/the-year-in-psychology-and-gaming


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