Title: Secret Origins: Green Lantern “Freedom From Fear”
Series Identifier: Found in Secret Origins #3 and Secret Origins vol 1
Format: Comic
- Superheroes
Conversation Topic:
- Family
- Finding Oneself/Identity Development
- Resilience
Relatable Experience:
- Death
- Making Others Worry
- Trauma
- Hal Jordan becomes a pilot to face the fear and sadness he feels about watching his father die in a plane crash.
- Throughout the story, the comic asks “What would you do?”
- Hal is reckless in flying, and is kicked out of the military for it. Possible conversation starter.
- Hal witnesses another crash which gives him his powers, and he is able to see that he had one crash take things away, and another gave him a new beginning.
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Link to Content: http://www.dccomics.com/comics/secret-origins-2014/secret-origins-3