Title: Justice League - Rebirth
Series Identifier: Issue #1 (Also found in Justice League Rebirth vol 1: The Extinction Machines)
Format: Comic
- Superheroes
Conversation Topic:
- Burnout
- Fear
- Resilience
- Trust
- Sacrifice for others
- Working with others
Relatable Experience:
- Death
- Clark comes from another Earth where he would have been destroyed, questions how the heroes on this Earth have survived.
- Clark is afraid to risk himself and the family he has built by joining the Justice League and fighting again.
- Lois tells Clark “The world thinks of you heroes as gods. And when this world’s Superman died, it showed you weren’t-- that you were just people. Amazing, people–gifted–but still human. Mostly.” Possible talking point about how the people we look up to still make mistakes and are fallible.
- Justice League has to work together, and learn to trust a stranger they don’t know.
- The world, and the Justice League are still dealing with the death of their friend.
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**Link to Content:**http://www.dccomics.com/comics/justice-league-2016/justice-league-rebirth-1