Empathetic vs. Apathetic
Analytical vs. Chaotic (or maybe illogical)
Reflective vs. Ignorant
Active vs. Passive
Engaging vs. Boring
Motivating vs. Discouraging
Nonjudgmental vs. Prejudiced
I like active vs passive. Im looking for opposites but also qualities show no value judgement. like myers briggs ish
theres nothing bad about being intro / extroverted or thinking/ feeling, ect.
So I’m looking for values that a player might say “oh so thats how you would describe my approach!” Instead of: “ Im doing this wrong”
I already have a system positive reinforcement which i call the CURE stats:
Comprehension: Players theoretical understanding of mental health terms.
Understanding: Players desire to learn about the patient’s personal experience amd understanding of the patient as an individual.
Relational Versatility: Players ability to match their interpersonal approach to the comunication and relationship needs of different patients to be who and what the patient needs.
Empathy: Players emotional responsiveness and consistent convern for the patients feelings.
I was inspired by this paper to come up with that system.