Title: DC Comics Bombshells #2 “Enlisted Part 2”
Series Identifier: Issue #2 (also found in DC Comics Bombshells vol. 1: Enlisted)
Format: Comic
- Superheroes
Conversation Topic:
- Cultural representation
- Feeling alone
- Strong female role models
Relatable Experience:
- Death
- Fear/Anxiety
- Trauma
- Steve Trevor deals with the loss of his friends and fellow soldiers.
- Steve describes horrible nightmares that seem to go away when Diana is around.
- Historical context of PTSD is discussed (“shell shock” and “combat fatigue”), and normalized by Diana, who says Amazons have the same experience, called “Shield Sorrow.”
- DC Bombshells has strong female characters overall, with an almost entirely female led cast of characters.
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Link to Content: http://www.dccomics.com/comics/dc-comics-bombshells-2015/dc-comics-bombshells-2