Title: DC Bombshells #9 “Allies and Enemies - Part One”
Series Identifier: Issue #9 (also found in DC Bombshells vol. 2 - Allies)
Format: Comic
- Superheroes
Conversation Topic:
- Consequences
- Honesty/Lies
- Resilience
- Strong female role models
- Taking responsibility for one’s actions
Relatable Experience:
- Loss (other than death)
- The theme of telling your own story and feeling mastery over your environment is a theme that comes up regularly in this series, starting with this issue.
- Mera is caught having only told a half-truth about why she left Atlantis and tells Supergirl “Maybe a little creative editing on my part. We all like to narrate our own stories. Haven’t you ever found that to be true?”
- While often seen as unhealthy, creating your own spin to your story and owning what has happened to you can also be positive. Mera is just trying to cope with not being able to go home and take control of her life.
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Link to Content: DC COMICS BOMBSHELLS #9 | DC