Black Panther (2016) #2

Title: Black Panther (2016) #2

Series Identifier: Issue #2 (also found in Black Panther vol. 1: A Nation Under our Feet)

Format: Comic


  • Superheroes

Conversation Topic:

  • Consequences
  • Expectations
  • Honesty/Lies
  • Resilience
  • Strong female role models
  • Taking responsibility for one’s actions

Relatable Experience:

  • Loss (other than death)


  • T’Challa has dreams or visions of his sister accusing him of being a failure. He says that nothing in the dream is real, but everything there matters. Alludes to how what we think or believe stands in our way at times.
  • He also says that he has lost his way, and to get back, he must “see things not as I feel them to be, but as they are.”
  • T’Challa could be seen as struggling with imposter syndrome.
  • T’Challa also feels a lot of pressure to live up to the rulers that came before him.


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